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Discover the remarkable history of the Year Without Summer...Free BONUS Inside!In terms of world history, the year 1815 is mainly remembered for the final defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo. But something else happened that year which is now largely forgotten but which had a fundamental impact on the whole world in the years that followed.In April 1815, a volcano erupted on the island of Sumbawa in present-day Indonesia. The eruption itself was so powerful that it was audible thousands of miles away. The immediate area suffered from tsunamis, ash, and acid rainfall, while a cloud of gas and dust entered the upper atmosphere and blocked the full power of the sun from warming the Earth. As a direct result, the summer of 1816 was truly dismal. Crops failed across the Northern Hemisphere, leading to this year becoming known as the Year Without Summer. Crop failures caused famine, the spread of epidemics, mass migration on a level rarely seen before, and the complete breakdown of some cultures.If we seek to understand what impact climate change may have, we need only look back to the devastating Year Without Summer.Discover a plethora of topics such asThe Eruption of Mount TamboraImmediate ImpactWinter of 1815/1816A Summer Without Sun1816 in Popular CultureCould It Happen Again?And much more!So if you want a concise and informative book on the Year Without Summer, simply scroll up and click the "Buy now" button for instant access!

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