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Thorn and Mina are on the hunt.All Thorn wants to do is spend time with his grandparents in Urmag’Tal’s Puzzle, learning more about what it means to be a Titan, but the universe seems determined to thwart him. When Corvo is outed as an Avatar, he and Huginn are stolen away and taken back to Beastwatch, the city of the god beasts.Hunting and being hunted, Thorn dives head first into the taboo mystery of the god beasts and their mysterious avatars. With the clock ticking on his friend's survival, Thorn will have to draw every ounce of power from his connection with Hati even as he uncovers secrets that threaten to undermine everything he believes about his Moon Wolf bond.With the looming threat from powerful forces beyond anything he has ever faced before, Thorn will have to navigate the tense balance between the seemingly all powerful Aspects and the ambitious Dragon Empire if he wants to stay in one piece, all while trying to find and rescue his friend before Corvo is lost forever.Avatar is the sixth book in the Tower Series, a GameLit/LitRPG series from Seth Ring, bestselling author of Battle Mage Farmer and The Titan Series, set in the world of Nova Terra and starring the unforgettable Thorn. If you like immersive storytelling, rich fantasy, and epic adventures with a slice of friendship thrown in, you’ll love this page-turning series.Pick up Avatar today and escape to the grand world of epic adventure. Endless worlds await!

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