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ONE YELLOW DOG, THE FIRST IN GREGORY C. RANDALL’S DEPUTY JORDAN TYNES SERIES, IS A THRILLING, OLD-FASHIONED MURDER MYSTERY SET IN CONTEMPORARY MONTANA AND STARRING A CAST OF UNFORGETTABLE CHARACTERS.After serving in Afghanistan, five Crow Indian Army veterans return with ten million dollars they discovered during a fouled-up military operation. They use the money to start a construction company, Big Horn Construction, aimed at helping their tribe. Then, for no apparent reason, and within days of each other, three of the five are viciously murdered.Deputy Jordan Tynes, working with her boss, Sheriff Doug Duluth, and retired Montana attorney general, Russell Pike, focus on one man who they believe may be responsible. Before they can make the arrest, the killer kidnaps the daughter of the head of the construction company as well as Pike’s youngest daughter, Sophie. The Indian girl escapes and identifies the killer, setting up a manhunt and chase that puts all involved on a collision course with explosive consequences.

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