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They have all the money, all the muscle. But they’ve picked on the wrong guy.Tom Rollins has been hanging low, working a security job in Davenport, Mississippi.One night, there is trouble in the bar where he covers the door, and when he gets involved, Tom finds himself pitted against Du Lac Chemicals, a billion-dollar corporation with some very nasty skeletons in the closet.Campaigning ecologist Laila North is determined to expose them, going toe-to-toe with their ruthless head of security who will do whatever it takes to protect their secrets.Tom is drawn into the battle. And finds that his old enemies, the fearsome biker gang Forever Road Dogs, are also working for Du Lac. And they have something big planned.As Tom grasps the true scale of Du Lac’s evil plans, he knows there’s only one way to stop them – all-out war.Sudden Impact - Book 13 in the superb Tom Rollins action thriller series. Perfect for fans of Lee Child, Jason Kasper & David Archer.