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Thrust once more into the heart of the Game, can Michael survive?At long last, Michael emerges from isolation. The Kingdom has not changed much since his last venture, but he has. Will he be able to conceal the truth of what he has become? Will he be able to fulfill his many obligations? And most importantly, can he reconnect with his old allies?Join Michael on his epic journey and find out!Praise for The Grand Game:“Interesting portal litrpg. Well-paced and the start of a new series. Curious to see where it goes…” —Tao Wong on“… Great action, great storyline and I honestly binge read it, start to end…” —Alex Kozlowski on“Smart MC. Great Tension. Full of Action.” —CookieCrumble on“Everything I look for in a LitRPG.” —CosmereCradleChris on“Oh I liked this very much!” —The Enlightened Beard on“One of the best in this category this year.” —kindle customer on

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