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Luna Thorn was happy being a witch. Being a traveler is another thing entirely. Just when she thinks she’s ready to wrap her head around her new reality, though, things fall apart.Again.Absolute chaos descends on Detroit when a federal investigator focuses his attention on Luna…and he seems determined to take her down.Paranormal problems are one thing. Being considered a suspect in the death of a man masquerading as a police officer is another. Wherever Luna goes, the Feds follow…and it’s seriously cramping her style.The last thing she needs is another problem. So, of course, the past she can’t remember comes back to haunt her at the exact wrong time.With her powers going haywire—the past overlapping with the present at regular intervals—Luna is in big trouble. It’s the sort of trouble a jail cell won’t help.Between mob bosses, gorgons, federal agents, and a past that just won’t quit, Luna is in over her head.Then the mage and god come to town and make things worse.Strap in for excitement, because Luna’s world is about to explode. Will she survive to rebuild it yet again?