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DO YOU ACCEPT YOUR FATE…?London, October 2019 - Gabriel Dumont is swept up in a tide of buried secrets. The news of the suicide of his biological father, Tony Smith, an iconic 90s rocker from Argentina, awakens shadows lurking in his memory.Urged by his maternal grandfather, Gabriel travels to Buenos Aires to deal with his father's inheritance, whose life was marked by suspicions in the murder of his wife and Gabriel's mother. But what appears to be a simple succession turns into a descent into madness when Gabriel finds a VCR with a cassette marked with his name on the floor of the late Tony Smith's house.When he plays the cassette, the inexplicable happens: a peculiar static transports him to October 1994, two days before his mother's tragic murder. Amidst this enigma, Gabriel is forced to confront his own demons and uncover the hidden truth behind the shadows that have darkened his life.What dark link connects his childhood amnesia, nightmares, and the mysterious cassette that enables him to time travel?Nicolás Francis (Buenos Aires, 1988) Journalist and graphic designer. His horror stories are heavily influenced by the writings of H.P. Lovecraft, Clive Barker, Stephen King, and Ray Bradbury, as well as the films of John Carpenter, Wes Craven, and Sergio Leone.