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Freedom never tasted so bitter.A stolen love. A strangled curse. A heart of sin. And a fate touched in moonlight.My men weave a tangled web around my soul, and I’ve formed a pack that will go to death and back for me.The moon hangs low over my heart as the call of the endless sky draws me closer and I find myself lost in the abyss that was waiting for me out here.Fate has left a bitter taste on my tongue, the haunting echoes of the past mocking me at every turn. But I’m not a pup anymore. And I won’t let another ten years pass without mending the rift in my heart.Darkness draws near enough to devour me but I have forged a pack of wild creatures at my back and I won’t be pulled into the grip of despair.I’ll find the stars in this endless night and force them to hear me howl.I am Rosalie Oscura and I will claim my happy ending, even if I have to claw it from the hands of destiny itself.This is the final instalment in the Darkmore Penitentiary series.This series is set in the world of Solaria five years after Zodiac Academy and ten years after Dark Fae and book one was previously published as Darkmore Penitentiary. There is some character crossover but all series can be read independent of each other without spoilers. The female lead will end up with more than one love interest.

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