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A murder investigation leads DCI Jack Harris to Scotland, but is it just a fishing expedition?When a man’s body is found on the Langdon Estate in the North Pennines, DCI Jack Harris suspects the death is connected to recent attacks on anglers by a violent group of animal rights activists.However, the victim turns out to be an investigator hired to look into the illegal snaring of otters, and it becomes clear that something else is going on in Harris’s quiet rural patch.With rumours and intrigue bubbling up, swept along by strange currents, Harris and his sergeant, Matt Gallagher, head north of the border where they find themselves knee-deep in some very murky waters.With Harris out on a limb and at odds with his team, it will take excellent police work to catch a murderer in their midst.To Catch a Lie is the eleventh book in the bestselling DCI Jack Harris series. The full list is as follows:1. Dead Hill2. The Vixen’s Scream3. To Die Alone4. To Honour the Dead5. Thou Shalt Kill6. Error of Judgement7. The Killing Line8. Kill Shot9. Last Man Alive10. The Girl in the Meadow11. To Catch a LieAll of these titles are FREE with Kindle Unlimited and available in paperback.Also look out for the author’s bestselling eleven-book DCI John Blizzard series.

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