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Truth is the rarest masterpiece.When a killer murders a prominent art dealer following the unveiling of a famous, but cursed, painting, Detectives Daniels and Remalla are assigned to investigate.Thrown into the unfamiliar, high-stakes and often ruthless business of the art world, they’ll call in another detective to assist. Working together, they’ll reveal an array of unusual suspects, including a vengeful ex-lover and her mobster husband, a betrayed girlfriend from the past, a determined female rival, and an ambitious former art manager. But the biggest threat could be the painting itself, whose supposed curse has taken the lives of all its previous owners.As the detectives dig deeper, the stakes are raised when their own lives are threatened, another life is lost, and shocking secrets are revealed. And when the clues point to the answers they seek, they’ll find that a curse may prove to be more deadly than a killer, and they may be the next targets.Murder Unveiled is a standalone and prequel to Haunted River, book one in the Detectives Daniels and Remalla series. If you love complex murder plots, a variety of troubled and odd characters, staying up late to solve the mystery, and two detectives whose friendship and banter are at the heart of the story, then enjoy Murder Unveiled.

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