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Scout Randall thought she had things well in hand. Then a loa landed in her lap and life exploded.Baron Samedi does what he wants, when he wants. Right now he wants to learn as much as he can about the new pixie apex…and the lamia apex who is gunning for her. He doesn’t care who he annoys as he gathers his information.Scout’s plan is to ignore him—after all, she has ghouls and random fires to deal with and he’s up to mischief one town over—but it becomes apparent quickly that the loa is in town for more than just a spying mission.It seems Bonnie is no longer in danger of dying. She’s mastered her new reality and now she has a plan. If she can’t stop the inevitable big battle, she’s going to figure out a way to remove Scout from the equation altogether. If that happens, not only will Scout be gone, but nobody will remember her.Scout wants to win but is she ready for the sort of battle that requires the ultimate sacrifice? She’s about to find out.And it’s not going to be pretty.