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Acclaimed bestselling mystery writer, Maisy Marple, has got a special treat for you mystery lovers out there!This collection has the first five books in each of her bestselling series...PLUS, the first two stories in her bestselling bite-sized mystery series!Whether its a murder near a coffee shop, on the beach, or at a burger joint, you'll be able to read it right here!The best news is, each of the stories in this collection promises much more reading if you enjoy them! Each of these series are still being written and new titles are added all the time!If you love mysteries with heart, check out this great starter collection. Thousands of readers have already fallen in love with Maisy Marple's quick flowing style, easy to read narratives, and lovable characters. Go ahead and give these stories a try. You won't be disappointed.Maisy Marple is the bestselling author of over fifty mystery stories, including the Connie Cafe Series, Sharpe & Steele Series, Fun Foodie Series, Pastor Brown Series, RV Resort Series, and Bite-Sized Mystery Series. She loves God and lives in upstate New York where she teaches at a small Christian School and Writes books in her spare time (haha).

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