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One day, they silently drifted down through our skies. We thought they were angelic messengers. We were wrong.They arrived by the hundreds of thousands on June 6th, 2026. The aliens silently drifted down from the sky, hovering fifty feet above us for three long, tense months at a geostationary orbit, taking up positions around the world. No one knew why they came…what they wanted...or why they wouldn't just go away.Then, the unthinkable happened. They suddenly came to life…and hunted us down. We ended up calling them gorgons - after the mythical creature Medusa - because if we locked eyes with them, it was all over, and they could telepathically paralyze us with just one look. Once immobilized, they could consume us at their leisure, leaving us to feel every excruciating bite. There was no escape, no hiding from their relentless pursuit. Our only defense was to run.By the end of 2026, eighty-five percent of mankind had been killed off. The alien invasion turned Planet Earth into a ghost town, with the few survivors eking out an existence in the shadows. Andrew Shipley is one such survivor thrust into an extraordinary nightmare of post-apocalyptic proportions. As chaos erupts, hope dwindles for Andrew and his wife and three small children. Will they make it? Or will the gorgons get them too?Join author Aaron Ryan as he takes readers on a heart-pounding journey into the darkest corners of fear in the prequel to his bestselling "Dissonance" saga. "Volume Zero" is a harrowing tale of humanity's struggle to survive a devastating alien invasion. Fans of the "Dissonance" saga and readers who enjoy tense, thrilling, and gritty survival stories will not want to miss this gripping origin story. Order your copy now before the price changes!

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