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Find Audrey Murphy. She’ll know what to do.Those were my mama’s final words to me. A cryptic message that led me from the beaches of Florida to a quaint, coastal village in the south of Ireland. All to track down a woman I’ve never heard of who, supposedly, has answers to questions I never even knew I had.But as I sit outside the crumbling ruins of an ancient castle, working up the courage to go to Audrey’s house, I see something. Or at least, I think I do. Out of the mist, a woman dressed in white materializes. She seems to need my help. Then, as quickly as she appeared, she vanishes. Like a ghost. Maybe my grief-stricken mind was just playing tricks on me.Or maybe not…Before long, the little village is buzzing with news of a brutal murder. And, as the only witness to the crime, I find myself squarely in the killer’s crosshairs. Which means I’ll have to get to the truth of what happened…or the next obituary in the local paper could just be my own.

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