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Have you ever experienced moments that felt truly miraculous or beyond explanation?In this intimate journey, she unveils the tumultuous relationship with her father—a metamorphosis from the shackles of pain, hurt, and fear to the liberating embrace of compassion, generosity, and forgiveness.This book is both raw and redemptive — Rosanne invites you into the haunting image of a young girl, clad in a yellow pinafore, white socks, and shoes, too afraid to smile. Yet, amid the shadows, there are heartwarming vignettes of Sunday morning adventures to the bakery, where watermelon-sized pumpernickel bread and the alchemy of coconut bars become the catalysts for father-daughter camaraderie.Hold your breath as the extraordinary narrative is punctuated by tales of Divine Intervention (DI's)—jaw-dropping moments that defy logic, offering a glimmer of the miraculous. Rosanne's evolving understanding of her father peels back layers of miscommunication and resentment, revealing the electrifying potential of love.In this book, you will learn:How to shift your perceptions.The ways to find compassion.How to be at peace with the past in your life.The ways to experience freedom and DI's (Divine Intervention).Rosanne's writing is a force that captivates with vivid descriptions and a lightning bolt attention to detail. Brace yourself for a journey of healing that will leave you forever changed. Get a copy now!