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“Filled with bright and sarcastic dialogue and smart plotting, this clever cozy is an excellent reintroduction to Polly Pepper.” — Starred Review, Library JournalHollywood icon Polly Pepper receives the ultimate tribute when she inherits a rundown English castle from a devoted fan. But owning a castle is no fairy tale, especially when it comes with a resident ghost and a murder investigation. Polly’s dream of turning the castle into a lucrative tourist destination and up-scale wedding venue hits a snag when the loathsome housekeeper, Gwellyn Clogg, is found dead in the larder. The police write it off as a heart attack, but Polly’s convinced there’s something more sinister at play. With the help of her sassy maid Tiara, her adult but still-living-at-home son Tim, an arrogant cat named Mr. Boots, and a cast of curious characters from the village, Polly sets out on a heart-pounding and hilarious quest to uncover the truth and catch the killer … before she becomes the next victim.

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