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Wayward Wings (Dragons of Sinuat... - S Slottje

Wayward Wings (Dragons of Sinuation)

S Slottje
Flintlock & Fluke Publishing , English
4 ratings

“A mighty book set in an amazing world.”—Jarek AdamsDragon Caizhiu the Wayward relishes her life as monster hunter for hire. However, when she emerges from her latest iteration cocoon, her increased size makes it difficult to assume a human guise. Without that, humans consider her a monster.Before she can adjust to her larger body, a Keeper of Sinuation hires her to bring a lowly human to justice. Caizhiu doesn’t know why Ozcahar Nitt is wanted by the powerful being, and she doesn’t care. Sinuation is the power that alters dragons, and if there is a chance the Keeper can direct it to restore her size, Caizhiu will take it. Besides, how hard can it be to catch one little human?But finding her target is only the start of Caizhiu’s trouble. Caught between humans and monsters, the lines between friend and foe blur. If she wants to save not just herself but also Ozcahar, she must accept that humans aren’t as feeble as she believed. And life is not as simple.Exploring the theme of identity, this compelling novel follows a bounty-hunting dragon who discovers that humans prove to be more challenging than she had thought. In this flintlock adventure, a shapeshifting dragon hunts a human, and along the way she learns to adapt to her changed body and her new relationship to humanity.Whether seeking refuge from the frigid winter or searching for a captivating beach read, this rural flintlock fantasy is an ideal choice for fans of the works of Robin Hobb, Naomi Novik and/or Jim Butcher’s Cinder Spires series.