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Book One in a new series of romantic comedies by USA Today-bestselling author Angela CasellaSend help and wine. My sister is trying to set me up with the grump next door.ClaireA few hours after losing my job, I get a call from a stranger who claims I’ve inherited property from my father. I assume it’s a scam, because my dad is very much alive. Turns out my mother is the liar.I board a flight to my bio-dad’s hometown, hoping for answers, but the turbulence is so bad I worry we won’t make it. Declan, the hot, tattooed hunk next to me, is obviously terrified too. When the plane freefalls for half a second, he kisses me with the passion of a man who thinks he’s about to die. He seems to regret it immediately afterward—and we both regret it when we discover he’s my new next door neighbor, a complication neither of us wants.To make matters worse, it turns out my bio-dad’s cabin is only half mine. The rest belongs to a half-sister I didn’t know I had—Nicole, a pink-haired private investigator and possible psychopath.If I weren’t unemployed and broke, I’d leave, but this crappy half-a-house is my only possession. So I stay in the hopes that I can convince her to sell. Unfortunately, she seems intent on setting me up with Declan, among other manipulations, and her matchmaking tactics are…extreme.DeclanI came to the mountains to hide and be left alone, and now I’m never alone.Every time I turn a corner, I run into Claire Rainey. She’s tempting as hell, particularly now that I’ve had a taste of her, but I know better than to wrap her up in my trouble—or get wrapped up in hers.

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