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The detour into the wrong bed just may be the perfect route to finding love!Murphy brothers Jack and Keith are back home in Cape Cod to celebrate their oldest brother’s engagement. When corporate mogul Keith decides to trade his tricked-out yacht for a week on Jack’s classic sailboat, he neglects to mention he’d promised a ride north to Jack’s ex-girlfriend -- who already happens to be on board.Alicia LeBlanc counted on an old friend for a lift up the coast to start a new life in Maine running a bed and breakfast. Making herself at home on his power catamaran the night of his brother’s engagement party, she’s prepared for a late departure. But she isn’t prepared for a totally unexpected host to slide into the sheets with her after they reach the open sea. Her hot dream about Jack Murphy blends so seamlessly with the present, she has him half naked before she realizes it’s no dream and she’s in the wrong bed with the man who broke her heart five years ago.In the confined space of the boat, Jack and Alicia discover that old flames can be rekindled, and the wrong bed may just be the right place to rewrite their love story.An earlier draft of this story was previously published by Harlequin as Making a Splash.

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