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How do you break a promise to the King of the Fae?Yeah. Good luck with that.For centuries, Hogan witches were bound in a trumped-up contract to teach magic to the High King of the Fae. Then, a hundred years ago, we escaped that prison sentence and never looked back.Now there's a new king in town. Brutally gorgeous, mouthwateringly fierce—and seriously pissed.He's coming for me, and he won't take no for an answer.But I don't care how much Mr. Tall, Dark, and Deadly makes my heart pound and head spin, a ridiculously unwanted side effect of that goddess-forsaken contract. I've dedicated my life to creating a safe haven for those in need—whether they’re rogue witches escaping their persecutors or monsters desperate for somewhere to hide. If I leave my tavern unprotected, every last soul I’ve helped will be hunted down, recaptured. Killed.Not gonna happen.So I'll just have to find the contract that’s bound me to the most deviously sexy ruler across all the realms…and break it for good.Before the High King of the Fae breaks me.

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