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Taj was looking forward to his two-year sabbatical from the Sol System Enforcers. At the young age of 62, he was hoping for another 50 years as an Enforcer, but right now, he needed time off. Taj, and his partner Taddy, were planning travel to Festival City in the Asteroid Belt.But, evil never rests. As Taj prepared for a peaceful retreat, his enemies had a different plan. Someone very powerful wanted Taj dead and wasn't afraid to target his family to prove their point. All Taj knew was that he must present himself in Armstrong City of Luna in a single day, or Taddy would die on the Carousel.Taj's family all spring into action to rescue Taddy and prevent Taj from sacrificing himself. By Taj's side were Sammy and the Twins, three of the best military class synthetics found in the Sol System and fellow Enforcers ready to fight. Together with Taj's dead father Fencer, who recently transferred his consciousness into the ARK, his mother Dyani and younger brother Jayce they battle time and powerful enemies in order to survive.

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