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The aliens didn’t conquer Earth. They negotiated exclusive streaming rights instead.Unbeknownst to humanity, the powerful Voltaxians controlled the galaxy, their vast empire fueled by their monopoly on mana.When they arrived on Earth, humanity feared invasion, only to find out the godlike aliens had something far different in mind.The Voltaxians offered a simple deal. Allow them to set up dungeons controlled by living intelligent dungeon cores on Earth to generate mana, and they’d share the wealth. With no means to resist, Earth agreed to their terms.A whole new job has now captured the imagination of humanity. Dungeon explorers push into these intelligent dungeons and battle the monsters inside. Their brave challenges help generate the mana the aliens promise will advance Earth. All the while, these dungeon diving exploits are streamed and broadcast around the world and even into the galaxy via the alien-owned Dungeon Core TV.A man used to be able to get by with loyalty and a strong back. Luther Miller has little interest in dungeon diving. His father sacrificed their family ranch to send him to school. He’s done his best to honor that sacrifice by devoting himself to his finance job in New York City.When his father passes way, Luther questions if his career is the best way to carry on the family name.Family honor and intergalactic revenge intertwine in the dark depths of the dungeon.Scroll up and click BUY NOW or READ FOR FREE to find out if a Texas cowboy can reclaim his roots by becoming a dungeon-diving hero!

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