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Siege (The Boy in the Iron Box B... - Guillermo del Toro, Chuck Hogan

Siege (The Boy in the Iron Box Book 5)

Guillermo del Toro, Chuck Hogan
Amazon Original Stories (July 1, 2024) , English
905 ratings

The mercenaries set an explosive scheme in motion to blow this bad dream to smithereens. But in chapter five of The Boy in the Iron Box, they soon find that even the best-laid plans can backfire.With the morale of the team fraying, Liev makes a vow. He’s not going to leave anyone behind until the last stand is seen through to its cold and bitter end. On this night, it’s Liev who lies in wait to face everything he’s feared. It’s nothing like he expected.From Academy Award–winning filmmaker Guillermo del Toro comes Siege, chapter five of The Boy in the Iron Box, a blood-chilling serialized novel about an ancient secret that was never meant to be unleashed, featuring exclusive interior artwork. Each chapter can be read or listened to in one breathless sitting.