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Three determined heroines, three unexpected heroes, and three sweet and steamy stories with all the warmth of the holiday season! Book 1, Krampus and the Crone: Ostracized by the village, Jaelle poses as an old witch to eke out a meager living. When she goes in search of two missing children, she doesn't expect to find a massive, horned alien - one who sees through all her disguises. Can they work together to grant two lonely orphans their holiday wish for a family?Book 2, A Gift for Nicholas: Jenna is a hard-working single mom with no time for fairy tales. She dismisses her daughter’s stories of a mysterious horned Santa living in the woods as no more than the imagination of a precocious child - until the day her daughter doesn’t return home. Her frantic search leads her to a crashed spaceship and an enormous horned alien warrior. He’s bossy, arrogant - and has a loneliness which matches her own. Can she show him the true meaning of the holidays?Book 3, A Kiss of Frost: When Katerina is faced with an unwanted marriage, she takes her younger sister and runs, only to discover a small band of misfits hiding in some ancient ruins. Their fight for survival grows even harder as the holidays approach - until a horned alien warrior appears in their camp. Can the warmth of the holiday season thaw his frozen heart?These sweet and steamy holiday novels are intended for mature readers.

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