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Once upon a time, Selena Martinez was a dreamer.When she had one night with Tom Murray and fell pregnant, she thought maybe this was the start to her happily ever after—just like in her favorite romance novels. But then he told her to get lost, and she realized that life isn’t anything like a book.Now, she knows her place. She’s meant to be in the background, never the main character, and she’s fine with it. She needs all of her energy to focus on raising her son, Max, without the man she once thought could be her hero.When she runs into him again, and she doesn’t find the man who broke her heart. Instead, he’s caring and attentive—making her rethink everything she knew about him.Tom Murray’s life is no fairy tale.His only goal was to take down his father, but when he learns that the very woman who haunted his dreams for over a decade also ended up pregnant with his son, everything changes. Though he can’t remember anything after their one-night because of his overuse of alcohol, he knows he hurt a lot of people during those years. It seems Selena was another person to add to that list. He doesn’t know how, or even if, he can fix the many years he wasn’t around, but he can’t bear to let things go now that he knows about Max. He refuses to be like his father—who is the worst person he knows.But Tom is his father’s favorite son—a testament to how horrible he used to be. Can he fix what he did, or will he make a bigger mess of things with the woman he let go?Man of Action is a dual-POV, and the second book in The Family Business series, but can be read as a stand-alone book. This second chance romance features the grumpy/sunshine and the groveling trope. Spice and a happily ever after is guaranteed for the two leads!

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