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This sequel can be read as a stand-alone.1819, EnglandMiss Margaret Andrews’ sister disappeared into the future three years ago and Margaret hasn’t seen her since. Julian St. John brings her to visit, but only for a day since his wife Claire is about to give birth to their first child. He doesn’t know Margaret’s real desire is to find a modern invention to bring back with her. A bluestocking by nature and lacking her sister’s famous beauty, Margaret knows she must make her way in society by becoming an inventress. But when the tallit, the magical time-travel shawl, goes awry, she finds herself alone and stranded in 21st Century New York City!Present Day, ManhattanStewart Russell is a grad student studying early British female writers when he meets Margaret at a Jane Austen Society Conference in New York. Margaret is mistaken for an attendee but fits right in. Stewart is thrilled by her knowledge of the writers he’s studying, almost as much as her effortless acting with the speech and manners of Jane’s day. Until she claims to be from Jane’s day! Worse, he is a wanted man due to a mix-up, and time is running out.Margaret longs to keep him safe from the blackguards pursuing him, but first she must convince him she really is from the past. But when she can’t even get herself back to 1819, how can she hope to bring Stewart too? It’s a race against time, and she must find a way before the unthinkable happens! If you enjoyed the time-travel romance of Outlander, then you'll love Margaret and Stewart's story in Forever Lovely. Buy now before the price changes!READERS' FAVORITE:Margaret is the girl that we often all feel that we are. The girl who feels plain, unimportant, and entirely out of the 'inner circle.' But watching her experience new things, meet new people, and overcome her obstacles to find love is heartwarming and endearing.And of course, we can't forget the object of that love because Stewart is certainly the boy we all want to marry. (Though perhaps without all that business about being followed and running for his life.) REEDSY:Loved it! 😍 A modern historical delight with love, time travel, and more!The author does a wonderful job developing the characters and constructing the plot that allows for stand alone enjoyment. I thoroughly enjoyed the pacing and felt that this booked flowed beautifully from chapter to chapter. It also kept me guessing! ...The way everything came together was very enjoyable and just what I was looking for when choosing to read this book.INTERVIEWS AND REVIEWS: All I can say is, I wish I had a time-travelling shawl! I loved this book, and you will too if you adore time-travelling romances with a little bit of mystery. In this second book of the Forever in Time series, author Linore Rose Burkard takes the reader on another magical journey through time. This time she plopped her characters into a modern-day Jane Austen Society Conference in New York City...There is so much more to this story and the magical capabilities of the special shawl that you will want to hunt one down for yourself!Such a sweet, clean, time-travel adventure! Easy to read even if you didn't read Forever, Lately. Love this author and I can't wait to see if there's more to this series!Lindsey DeLost, GoodreadsBurkard never disappoints with her Regency love stories, and this one is no exception. How to move between centuries without disturbing the time continuum is handled deftly in this fast-paced three-day whirlwind that never slows.Gerald E. GreeneA charming time-travel romance! An intriguing story about the importance of love and sacrifice in any time period. Don't miss reading this delightful tale!Elizabeth Allan, Bookbub