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Living with family can be murder.I’ve never met my husband’s sister, because she’s been in prison for as long as I’ve known him. If that’s not a warning sign, I don’t know what is. I should have paid attention to that. Maybe then I wouldn’t be in this situation.Abby is lovely when she’s first released, which makes it easy to let her move in with us. But it doesn’t take long for the cracks to show. Although she’s nice to me when her brother is around, she becomes a different person as soon as he leaves the room. No, not a person — a monster.She’s threatened me one too many times, and now my marriage is at stake. Daniel doesn’t believe the things she does, and the whole village is starting to think I’m crazy. I’ll have to discover her dark truth and prove how dangerous she is, but I’ll only get one chance at this.Because I’m playing with fire.THE SISTER-IN-LAW is the new psychological thriller from Bristol author AJ Carter, whose books are bursting with mystery, danger, and multiple dark twists.

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