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Secrets are being kept, but does the truth really set you free?Until my early twenties, my life had been one tragic event after another. Which is why I was content with the mundane life I had with my fiance, Todd.That is until two insanely hot strangers showed up, and told me he had been lying to me for the last ten years.Oh. They also kidnapped me and whisked me away to a different realm as payback for past sins of my soon-to-be ex.Now I'm a prisoner in a world full of magic I didn't know existed with five (no, make that six) gorgeous guys following me around and growling at anyone who tries to talk to me. Meanwhile the fae of this kingdom keep getting abducted, and I may be the key to saving them.Lucky me.This book is a dark why choose fantasy romance with M/M intimacy. It is a slow burn and ends on a cliffhanger.It was brought to my attention that my last update was uploaded without the front or back matter so it was missing the CW in the beginning, and for that I'm so sorry. I don't think anyone who tried to read it and were upset by it will come back here, but I want to make it very clear that I always provide a warning page in the front so that people can go in with informed consent. If you ever notice that my book is missing it, please bring it to my attention.

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