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Imagine finding a gorgeous trespasser in your hot tub on a freezing winter night – crazy, but that's how I met my fake girlfriend.She's the sunshine to my grump, the chaos to my calm – and now, the "girlfriend" who's going to keep my mother off my back and out of my personal life.Hillary is nothing like the women I’ve dated. She knows nothing about hockey, for one thing. She’s loud, uninhibited, and beautiful, and every single time she pops by from next door for yet another ridiculous reason, she drives me completely nuts, invading the carefully arranged solitude of my life. So when my mother announces a surprise visit engineered to marry me off and begin the creation of the grandbabies she’s desperate for, I make a snap decision and ask Hillary to pretend to be my girlfriend. The issue? The more time I spend with the bright, shiny, hurricane of a woman from next door, the less I feel like I’m pretending to fall for her. Every touch, every look, every kiss… they’re all beginning to feel real. And when she asks a favor in return? All I want is to take care of her. To be the man who earns her sunny smile. Grumpy Goalie is a standalone, hockey romcom by USA Today bestseller Delancey Stewart that highlights her trademark humor, heart, and heat!

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