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The Poison Garden - Mary Oldham

The Poison Garden

Mary Oldham
By-Creek-Ity Publishing; 1st edition (October 31, 2023) , English
173 ratings

If Amber/Jane/Kelan chooses your neighborhood, it is because there is work to do. She will rent a house and be the perfect neighbor for a year, where she will tell you all about an aunt who raised her and passed along a lot of fabulous recipes that she will use to make friends with the other neighbors.Of course, the aunt does not exist. In the community garden, your new neighbor will hide the Poison Hemlock among Queen Anne Lace. If she gives you orange marmalade for your abusive husband, ensure only he eats it. And later, if the police ask you if you want an autopsy, say no.And when it comes to love, she dates her own kind: Murderers.Other books by Mary OldhamThe Silver Linings Wedding Dress Auction, The Silver Linings Series Book 1Sisters Before Misters, The Silver Linings Series, Book 2Enchanted, The Silver Linings Series, Book 3A Paris Affair, Hotel Baron, Book 1A Summer Affair, Hotel Baron, Book 2A Roman Affair, Hotel Baron, Book 3A London Affair, Hotel Baron, Book 4Sage's Redemption, The Aphrodite Series, Book 1Toni's Secret, The Aphrodite Series, Book 2Roxie's Circus, The Aphrodite Series, Book 3Kimberly's Redemption, The Aphrodite Series, Book 4CRUSH, Single TitleThe Poison Garden, Book 1, The Poison Garden SeriesMadam Emma's Love Emporium, Book 2, The Poison Garden Series

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