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Murder on Demand, the new book in the delightful Morning Show Murders series from bestselling author and TV news icon Al Roker, finds Billy Blessing investigating a suspicious boating accident in Long Island.Ten years have passed since Billy Blessing’s adventure in Chicago, and a lot has changed. With the advances in television—the vanishing cable news and the flood of streaming channels entering the market—Billy found himself out of a job. Oh, and his restaurant had a fire (maybe suspicious? Billy does have enemies…), but the insurance won’t cover a rebuild.So Billy is reinventing himself on the North Fork of Long Island, where on a clear day you can see the Hamptons across the bay. The pace of life is slower—and more affordable—and he’s been enjoying his new job as a chef in Greenport. That is, until a young woman walks into the restaurant talking about murder. Her father’s boat washed up down the coast, but the man himself is nowhere to be found. The police are calling it an accident, but she thinks it’s way more than that, and would Billy, maybe, look into it? Nice and quiet since, well, any other way might not be safe.Billy is back in another hilarious, suspenseful, and delectable murder mystery perfect for new and old fans alike.

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