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"Authentically written, patiently penned, and satisfyingly dark, The Pike is a top-flight crime thriller." - SPR Editorial Review ★★★★★Book 2 of the DCI Walker Crime Thrillers.Already an 'Amazon Hot New Releases' NUMBER ONE BESTSELLER!-------------------------------------------A party gone wrong?Or a sickening group attack?Not everything is what it seems, and not everyone is who they appear to be.A young girl is found dead at the Pike Tower on Winter Hill near Chorley and DCI Walker and the newly promoted DC Briggs are drafted in to investigate. But what they find extends far beyond the Rivington Pike. What seems like a party gone wrong, or a sickening group attack, transpires to be much more, and threatens not only the local community, but Walker and his team too.After identifying who’d taken the deceased to the Pike, a cat and mouse chase ensues, taking them to Manchester and back. And when more women are attacked and left for dead, Walker gets reinforcements, turns it into a wide-scale manhunt. If they don’t find the attacker soon, more women will almost certainly die.But Walker and his team don’t have to look too far, and what they find is much darker than they could possibly have imagined.Is it a sin if you are the victim?Fans of Ian Rankin, JD Kirk, Matt Brolly, Patricia Gibney, and Michael Connelly will love this!The Pike is the second book in the stunning debut police procedural crime thriller from JJ Richards (although it can be read as a stand-alone).Buy your copy NOW and get into this page-turning, unputdownable series!

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