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House of Vampires and Flame (Sha... - Meg Xuemei X

House of Vampires and Flame (Shades of Ruin and Magic Book 1)

Meg Xuemei X
House of Shades and Fantasy (October 1, 2023) , English
2,540 ratings

They say the gods are dead.But I know better. My father, the God of Ruin, is coming. When he does, everything shall fall.Born with a cursed power, I can siphon magic and life forces. Bound by the dark god’s will, I drained the lands and laid cities to ruin to feed him.Until I escaped his prison of horrors.Hiding out at a dangerous academy disguised as a servant boy can only protect me for so long. The carnal and ruthless prince heir of the school watches me from the shadows.He wants me. Fascinated by me. Obsessed with me even. The way he looks at me, how he possessively protects me, I thought he might be my salvation. Then he rips off my chest binding to expose me in front of everyone.Now my father knows where I am.He’s coming. With him, everything will fall.

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