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From your friends at Pod Save America and Crooked Media comes a useful and illustrated guide to saving American democracy just in time for the 2024 election and 2025 insurrectionIf you’re looking to navigate the chaotic, dunce-infested waters of American politics, Democracy or Else is here to help you tackle what might be the greatest question of our time: How do you get involved in the political process and make a real difference without giving in to the sense of impending dread that hangs over our society like a nameless stench? Each chapter will take readers step-by-step through the perilous journey ofGetting informed when you don’t know which influencer to trust (all of them!)Donating and volunteering where you can have the biggest impactOrganizing, protesting, and even running for office yourselfStaying engaged in politics without losing hope or your mind or all of your friendsDemocracy or Else is a resource for everyone—from political junkies following every turn of the news cycle to young people getting ready to vote for the first time. And it's filled with practical advice from some of the smartest experts and least annoying politicians around. The stakes and average global temperatures have never been higher—but there have also never been so many opportunities to join the fight. It’s an age of contradictions! 

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