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A Gen Z girl with a time travel disorder. A gorgeous 1980’s guy. Can she resist their love and avoid rewriting history?When Caitlyn Richter turns twenty-one, she learns she’s inherited a disorder that causes her to travel through time uncontrollably. To make matters worse, one small change to the past can have massive consequences for the present. Caitlyn must do whatever it takes to leave the past unchanged.Enter Toby Beech, a hot 1980’s carpenter who wants to spend as much time with her as possible, and who she finds herself falling hopelessly in love with.Can she can force herself to stay away from Toby and keep her life in the present intact? Or will she follow her heart and risk the ripple effect, wreaking havoc on everything and everyone she loves?This time travel romance is the first book in an addictive new series by Australian author, Cally Jackson. Get your copy now. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐"One of the best time travel books I've ever read." Amazon reviewer⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐"...heartfelt, thought-provoking, unpredictable and entirely unique."Goodreads reviewer⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐“I read this book right through - essentially couldn't put it down. (Does anybody REALLY need to eat or sleep??)” Amazon reviewer⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐“…a captivating narrative filled with relatable characters, well-crafted dialogue, and a perfect balance of suspense and intrigue.” Amazon reviewer⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐“…emotionally moving with characters that engaged my attention and a storyline that kept me reading.” Amazon reviewer⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐“Perfect for those who love a mix of romance and a twist of the extraordinary.” Goodreads reviewerEXCERPTA knock on the front door makes me sit up quickly. Blood rushes to my head, and I get pins and needles in my hands. But then it fades, and I’m still here. Still on the bed. I hurry to the front door and look through the peephole. It’s the carpenter. He’s wearing a sleeveless navy shirt, acid-washed jeans and bright-white joggers. God, he’s got nice arms. All that drilling onsite obviously does good things for his biceps.I open the door. “Hello.”“Hi. I was wondering whether you were still here. I guess you are.” He smiles and brushes his curly hair out of his eyes. “Sorry again for startling you yesterday. My housemate and I are getting Chinese takeaway for dinner tonight, and I thought you might like to join us.”A housemate. Not a girlfriend.Say no. Say no. Say NO. “Actually, that would be great,” I say.What’s wrong with you, Caitlyn? You know this is a terrible idea.His face lights up, and my stomach flips at the sight. “Terrific. You can come over now, or a bit later, whichever you prefer. And the offer of a hot shower still stands.”“I think I will take you up on that, actually. A hot shower would be amazing.” Forty-eight hours. That’s all it took to break me. So weak. “I’ll come over in a bit.”“Fantastic. See you then.” He smiles.I shut the door and then look through the peephole. He’s just standing there, grinning at the door. I grin too, despite myself, then shake my head. I shouldn’t be doing this. I know that. So why am I?I walk back down the hall. I know exactly why I’m doing this. I’m doing this because I’m bored, and he’s seriously cute. Really good, valid reasons. I sigh. How much harm can one dinner do, really?

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