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Lynn Miller is having one of the happiest days of her life: she has just won a life-changing lottery! Now her dreams and goals seem within reach. But the glittering prize becomes a haunting curse as an unrelenting stalker emerges from the shadows, casting danger over her newfound wealth.Desperate to convince her skeptical husband, James, of the imminent danger, Lynn becomes trapped in a relentless web of paranoia and uncertainty. As the stalker keeps following her and things get worse, hidden family secrets start coming out, destroying the trust and safety they used to have.With blurred lines between friend and foe, Lynn races against time to safeguard herself before the final act plays out. Will she triumph, or will it all be too late?Read this suspenseful psychological thriller now!____________________Advance reviews:★★★★★ "Woahhhh!! This book was absolutely amazing! I was hooked from the beginning and was able to read it in 2 days... I would definitely highly recommend this book to anyone. Absolutely love it! 🖤🖤" - Goodreads reviewer★★★★★ "I was quite surprised by the quality of the author's writing, the way she knew how to carry out the entire story without getting boring and the ending left me completely amazed because nothing, really nothing, predicted that outcome. I highly recommend it!" - BookSirens reviewer★★★★★ "Tons of twists and turns bring the reader to the end in complete confusion, of the best kind. I'm still not sure what happened. I do know that I absolutely enjoyed this more than I expected." - BookSirens reviewer★★★★★ "An enjoyable story. The ending was unexpected." - Goodreads reviewer★★★★★ "A fantastic fast paced psychological thriller that had me addicted to the very first page. It has fantastic twists and turns. The characters and story are well written... Highly recommend!" - Goodreads reviewer★★★★★ "What a read!" Goodreads reviewer★★★★★ "I thoroughly enjoyed this book and every time I picked it up I didn't want to put it down." Goodreads reviewer★★★★★ "An interesting story line and how it ultimately played out kept me reading. The twists at the end were unexpected. It is worth the read." - Goodreads reviewer★★★★★ "An excellent thriller that kept me turning pages to find out what happens." -- Goodreads reviewer

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