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Getting kidnapped on the most important day of her career was not on Dr Britt Harmony’s bingo card. Neither was discovering that the fairytales her late father spun were true.A goddess-witch.A shape shifting prince of the highlands.Gods and monsters.All of it.True.What she’d spent her life denying, and masking from others, has become a reality. And try as she might, she’s unable to escape the handsome highlander who sets her body on fire.If you knew your destiny would send you on the adventure of a lifetime but one misstep would either land you in the arms of a Duke of Hell or in the talons of a dragon shifter who claims he’s your fated mate would you ever set foot in Scotland?Does she even have a choice?In Quinn Smythe's millennia long life, he never allowed himself to believe that the prophecy he and his brothers were saddled with by The Fates was real. After all, his parents had a flare for drama and control.But when their Goddess mother, who has never respected boundaries, pops in at the absolute wrong time, and their absent otherworld sire decides it's time to reconnect in the middle of a battle with the demon threatening not only Britt but all of their mates in his quest to take over mankind, will Quinn and his brethren accept their mates and fulfill their destiny?

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