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Damien Sinclair is a force of nature, the beauty of a sunset over the ocean while capable of devastating hurricane-strength winds. At one time, he’d held my heart in his hands. That was until the day I walked away.I didn’t leave him because I didn’t love him. It was that loving him was too much, an all-encompassing affair. In his presence, I failed to exist.For two years, I worked to build a life free from Damien’s irresistible pull. I succeeded until one fate-filled afternoon I found myself seated by his side for a long flight. Unbelievably, we were headed to the same destination. His sinfully charming smile, charisma, and devilish smirk reminded me of all we’d shared.Attraction.Desire.Passion.Forgetting him had been agony.Will I survive remembering?Have you been Aleatha’d?The Sinclair Duet is a scorching hot, second-chance romance filled with the suspense and intrigue you’ve come to expect from New York Times bestselling author Aleatha Romig.

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