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"Perfect for readers who love a good laugh, a colorful setting, and a thrilling whodunit." -NewInBooksJournalist Jake Stewart wasn’t looking for love, murder, or lost treasure in this coastal town of quirky characters, but when he is called to rescue a small town newspaper when the owners are killed that's what he finds.On the road there in his aging RV, he picks up Ruby, a beautiful but mysterious redhead hiding a dark secret behind her sexy smile.In “Murder in the Cranberry Bog,” the bizarre falls like rain into Jake’s life — a Beast Man, cranberry rustlers, a rumored talking dolphin, Moorish squatters seizing prime beach homes, a busybody who continually interrupts Jake's sex life, and Russian mobsters willing to kill anyone standing in their way of finding the treasure.Laugh out loud at this Jake Stewart mystery with lovable but oddball characters in a colorful setting, red herrings, an intriguing plot, and fast-paced writing.

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