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An Elegant Corpse - Helen A. Harrison

An Elegant Corpse

Helen A. Harrison
Amazon Publishing Agency , English
2 ratings

At the palatial Hamptons estate of wealthy artist Alfonso Ossorio, Jackson Pollock’s masterpiece, Lavender Mist, is the crown jewel in a fabled collection of modern art. When Ossorio’s decision to sell the painting to finance his obsessive landscaping projects proves fatal, suspicion falls on members of his circle, among them Pollock’s widow, Lee Krasner, who has made no secret of her opposition to the sale.Number one on the list, however, is Ted Dragon, a former dancer who gave up his career to become Ossorio’s companion. He stands to inherit everything, including Lavender Mist.To clear his name and find the real killer, Ted calls on his old friend TJ Fitzgerald, a private investigator and the son of NYPD Chief Brian Fitzgerald and Detective Juanita Diaz. The whole family becomes involved in the search for Ossorio’s killer, untangling a twisted thread of betrayal, jealousy, and revenge

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