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Robert has long given up his bounty hunter career to make a peaceful living by his sons' side. Yet one night, a bleeding gunslinger appears at his doorstep begging Robert to help him find the gang that abducted a rich widow for ransom. After his sons urge him to save the poor woman, Robert must return to his outlaw roots and do what he knows best. Will he keep his promise to return home safely? Sheriff Quinn has always sat on the wrong side of the law. His efforts to keep his corrupted businesses hidden will soon fail after his trusted gang kidnaps a rich widow. Robert knows that Quin is not a man of trust and Quin knows that the bounty hunter's return to look for the victim could forever destroy his name and send him straight to the hangman's noose. But the game is not over yet... How far can a dangerous man go to achieve his greedy goal? As Robert and the young gunslinger search through California to find Olivia, Robert realizes how their quest brings them closer to their real needs. While their mission leads to a violent chacing in dark mines, a personal vendetta will awaken Robert's past ghosts. Can he stop the Sheriff before it is too late, or will this quest be his swan song as the man who chased justice? "The Bounty Hunter's Return" is a historical adventure novel of approximately 80,000 words. No cliffhangers, only pure unadulterated action.