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Sometimes a woman on the move…Stumbles into murder.Tulia Blake loves to travel, so when her relationship goes down the tubes and she wins the lottery all in the same day, she is determined to start living her dream.Her first order of business is buying an RV with all the bells and whistles, and after hugging her mother goodbye, Tulia hooks her car to the back of the RV, packs up her African Grey parrot, Cicero, and hits the road.Born and raised in Michigan, she decides to drive through the Upper Peninsula on her way to Wisconsin.Everything goes according to plan until she reaches Marquette.When she stops at a diner for pastries, someone steals her RV — along with her wallet, phone, and essentially everything that she owns.While searching for clues, Tulia and one of the waitresses who works at the diner find the body of a well-known and largely disliked local in the dumpster.No one is sure whether the two crimes are related, but it’s the only lead Tulia has to go on. She and the waitress work together to track down the killer in hopes that they can recover Tulia’s RV.Can Tulia catch a killer and save her brand new RV? Or will her new fortune put her in the path of a killer?Find out in this exciting Travel Cozy Mystery!

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