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Get three of Jasmine Webb's hilarious novels, set in sunny Hawaii, in this boxed set:Aloha Alibi:Most people flee to Hawaii for gorgeous weather, white-sand beaches, and cocktails at sunset. Charlotte Gibson, however, is fleeing for her life after a vengeful mobster leaves a severed finger on her doorstep as a warning. Message very much received.That’s how Charlotte—Charlie to everyone except her mom— finds herself on Maui with six dollars to her name, living with a mother who can’t stop giving her advice on how to land herself a husband. But when a businessman is murdered and his company offers a reward to whoever finds the killer, Charlie sees an opportunity: with that kind of cash, she could afford her own place and start a new life here away from the people who want her dead. After all, how hard can hunting down a murderer be?Teaming up with a couple of old ladies with more spunk than Betty White, Charlie is sure she’s on the right track to snag the reward money. However, the infuriating-but-smoldering-hot cop trying to keep her away from his case has other ideas. Throw in a day job at an ice cream shop, corrupt local politicians, and a best friend trying to act as the voice of reason, and Charlie has her work cut out for her.Will she be able to find the killer, or is Charlie’s time in paradise going to go straight to hell in a handbasket?Maui Murder:Charlie finally feels like she’s got a bit of breathing room. She’s flush with cash, she and Zoe are moving into a snazzy new apartment, and she’s riding the wave of having solved a murder a few weeks earlier. But when a local woman is murdered and her family hires Charlie to find the killer, she finds herself embroiled in yet another investigation.However, what Charlie initially thinks might be an easy solve quickly finds her mired in Maui’s seedy underworld, with a victim who led a double life. Finding herself dealing with a suspect list longer than a CVS receipt, Charlie enlists the help of Dot and Rosie to narrow down that list and get a lead on the real killer.But between Jake trying to keep her out of the investigation, new neighbors who make Ozzy Osbourne look normal, and an attempted robbery at her day job, Charlie quickly finds she’s got her hands full once again. And to make matters worse, as Charlie gets closer to solving the crime, she realizes the killer has another target in mind: her.Can Charlie bring another killer to justice before she’s turned into shark bait?Beachside Bullet:Charlie is taking the plunge to become a private investigator, and her first official case is a doozy. When three of Zoe’s coworkers are shot in a brazen mid-day attack, Charlie is initially content to let the police deal with it. But when it becomes obvious the detective in charge has the IQ of a box of crayons, she decides to step in to ensure the killer is found.What appears at first glance to be a random attack quickly becomes more than that, and before she knows it Charlie finds herself scouring the island for a murderer, with the help of Dot and Rosie, of course.In case hunting down a shooter wasn’t enough, Charlie quickly nets herself another customer in the form of her eight-year-old neighbor. And of course, Charlie isn’t expecting Jake to take the news of her new career very well. Luckily, Charlie isn’t especially worried about his opinion, especially when she has so much on her plate.Is Charlie about to make a splash in her new career, or will she quickly find herself drowning, instead?

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