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Evelina is a diviner on the run from her miserable, small-town life, determined to start over in the sprawling city of Port Vulkhov, far from the clutches of her awful Ex, when she takes a chance on a handsome stranger passing through by smuggling herself in his cargo. She escapes after a brief encounter with the merchant and goes into hiding in the city. She’s well on her way to restarting her life, when her stolen fare comes due and the merchant tracks her to her new job in the apothecary. It’s only after she’s invited the man into her home that she learns the truth: Yavor Konev is heir to the most notorious smuggling syndicate in the kingdom.She should be afraid, she knows that, but what’s the harm in one night?Yavor values rarity above all else, so when the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen stumbled out of his carriage, finding the little witch became his sole focus. Despite her wish to keep their encounter to a single night, his fascination with her worsens with each detail he learns about her.When the object of his obsession mysteriously turns up on his doorstep, his obligation to the syndicate clashes with his growing need to uncover her past.Will it be too late by the time he unravels the mystery surrounding her?

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