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★★★★★ "Storytelling at its best. . . laugh out loud funny. . ."Who knew one date could literally change everything?I went to a movie with my roommate's friend.I didn't know he was gay. I certainly didn't know I was. I didn't even know it was a date.I’m not talking about the fairy tale kind of date where bunnies fly out your butt and butterflies break into dancing and song.I’m talking about a date where you don’t even know you’re on a date until the guy kisses you.OMG! I nearly passed out. I can’t believe I was ever that naïve and clueless.I mean, not until after we got naked and . . .Over the next few years, my whole world changed. I went from never-do-anything-wrong preacher’s kid to a wild child sowing his oats. Man, I loved oats . . . or men . . . if men were oats.This series is my story. You might find it hard to believe, but it’s all true. It’s also hilarious and heartwarming and sad (but only in spots) and uplifting . . . Did I mention funny? It’s really funny.Check it out. The complete series is more than 1,200 pages. You’re going to laugh your hiney off!Raised by Wolves is Michael's story, a classic, 5-book series that follows his life over decades of searching, finding, and losing love. It mirrors Michael's journey, beginning with simplicity, a single date, and grows in depth and complexity as his life evolves and changes. And yes, there is plenty of naked goodness.Michael's tale is one of found family, hurt/comfort, new experiences, intimate moments, remarkable innocence and growth, self-deprecating humor, and most of all, boundless love.This series will move you to tears, both in laughter and sorrow, while warming your heart in ways few stories ever will.NOTE: Raised by Wolves is not a shifter series. There are no shapeshifters, and no one was raised by actual wolves. Rather, this is an American idiom referring to people who were raised in an extremely conservative, religious household. No wolf was harmed in the making of this series.This is the author's true story. Names and locations were changed to protect the innocent (and a few guilty).What do readers say?★★★★★ “An absolute blast to read!!!!! . . . hilarious.”★★★★★ ". . . charming, humorously self-deprecating. It's the beginning of his journey, funny, sad, and touching."★★★★★ "Storytelling at its best. . . laugh out loud funny. . ."★★★★★ ". . . cute, innocent coming out storyline."★★★★★ “ . . . absolutely loved this! Will definitely be following this author.”★★★★★ “Impossible to put down.”★★★★★ “ . . . fell in love with this story quickly . . . Thank you, Casey!”★★★★★ “This was too cute . . .”

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