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A Christmas miracle in small-town Texas…His luck had run out, laughter was a thing of the past, and love…well, that was out of the question. Rusty’s career as a bronc rider was over. Figuring out the next step in life was more challenging than riding a bull for eight seconds, especially with an overprotective family holding him back. Surely there were better people more deserving of the new heart he received, people who had more to give back to society than a washed-up rodeo cowboy.Still reeling from the loss of her husband, Courtney is at wit’s end when she’s let go from her job as an assistant chef, and the life-insurance company is still refusing to pay out on the policy. With no choice but to move back home to her mother’s, she and her son set out for Louisiana. Her troubles are compounded when her truck breaks down on a back country road. She’s out of hope and running on empty emotionally.Luckily, there’s a cowboy in shining boots and a Stetson who stops to help. Rusty to the rescue.Stuck in Crossroads Creek until her vehicle is fixed, Courtney and her son discover the joys of Christmas in small-town Texas. And as the winter winds whisper through the valley, a remarkable journey of hope, healing, and unexpected love begins for Courtney and Rusty. But neither is prepared for the startling truth that binds them—a truth that could shatter the fragile connection blossoming.Will they rely on faith and trust their hearts for the answers, or will they run from the past and destroy any chance at a future of happiness together?