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A prince, an enchantress in chains, an army of demons, and a deal with the devil...An ancient demon threatens Prince Hector and his kingdom's very existence. His crown and countless lives hang in the balance as he is faced with a choice that could cost him everything. Fueled by an unwavering dedication to his people, Hector embarks on a perilous path to ensure their safety, even if it means sacrificing his own soul.Meanwhile, Kierra emerges from her desolate prison. Her magic, fueled by deep-seated hatred and fury, possesses a lethal force that leaves destruction in its wake. Now unshackled and consumed by a thirst for vengeance, Kierra is hunted by ruthless demons.Prince Hector and Kierra must navigate a treacherous world, where enemies lurk at every turn. Their resilience and choices will determine the very essence of their identities.Enter a world where survival hangs by a thread, and redemption teeters on a knife's edge in this dark high fantasy trilogy.

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