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Terror in Cairo - Mel Harrison

Terror in Cairo

Mel Harrison
; 1st edition (November 29, 2021) , English
16 ratings

Alex Boyd is back again with more intense, political adventuresEgyptian Islamic Jihad (EIJ), a vicious terrorist organization determined to thwart peace with Israel, attacks a vital peace conference in Cairo, attempting to stop any chance of a successful conference.As special agent with the State Department Diplomatic Security Service (DS), Alex is responsible for the overall protection of U.S. delegates, including the Secretary of State and several senior senators and congressmen attending the conference.Along with the Egyptian police, Alex Boyd and his Diplomatic Service colleagues attempt to stop waves of bloody attacks. When it appears the peace conference may be resurrected, the terrorists seek to inflict a mortal wound against America with an unprecedented target. With superb Arabic language skills and military experience, Alex is tasked with identifying the leaders of EIJ before they strike again. Questions remain whether Alex, and his colleagues, can win this life and death struggle. Even more important, who is arming the terrorists?

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