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How to Climb a Lady's Tower (Hap... - Bree Wolf

How to Climb a Lady's Tower (Happy Ever Regency Book 3)

Bree Wolf
Bree Wolf (November 3, 2021) , English
1,279 ratings

Forget suitable—she's going for unforgettable.Miss Rebecca Hawkins has a profound aversion to the mundane. Boring balls? No, thank you. Snooze-worthy suitors? Absolutely not.Rebecca's antidote? A secret list. One that's thrilling, slightly scandalous, and utterly unsuitable for a young lady of her standing. It’s a list that promises excitement and, potentially, a bit of ruin—exactly what she needs to avoid a fate of predictable boredom.Enter through the window: one American rogue.Zachary Caswell, decidedly not a member of the English high society—and not interested in becoming one—finds himself entangled in a quest that’s far from anything he’d planned. After a prized family heirloom is stolen, Zach's hunt for the thief leads him through an unexpected window…and straight into Rebecca's thrilling world.When love enters through the window, convention goes out the door.Captivated by Rebecca’s audacity, Zach becomes her unlikely accomplice in adventures that tick off her list one daring escapade at a time. As they delve deeper into the thrill of the chase, Zach begins to realize that the greatest theft might just be happening right under his nose—Rebecca is stealing his heart.Suddenly, returning to America loses its appeal. Suddenly, every ticked box brings him closer to a dilemma he never anticipated: choosing between his past and the unexpected promise of a future with Miss Hawkins. Maybe, just maybe, boring has never been an option.Sometimes, the right kind of trouble finds you.

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