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2024 American Legacy Book Awards in Health-Cancer2024 International Impact Book Awards Winner in Death and Dying (Grief and Bereavement)2023 Distinguished Favorite by NYC Big Book Award2022 CIPA EVVY Gold Award Winner in Motivational/Inspirational, Bronze MemoirThis is the story of my younger brother, Dr. Manu Dua, who battled oral cancer for almost two years.These are a series of blogs that he penned when faced with his own mortality at the young age of 34. He had accepted and made peace with his fate. These blogs are filled with much depth and wisdom. It chronicles his realization of life and what and who truly matters.May these blogs serve as a gentle reminder to not take life for granted. That no matter what we plan, things are out of our control, call it our fate or destiny. That through the darkest of times, there is still hope, and the power of the human spirit through adversities prevails.May you find comfort in his words should you or your loved ones walk this difficult road.-Dr. Parul Dua Makkar

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